
At Movänta Camping we have a total 88 campingtomter varav 84 stycken är med el. Flera av våra campingtomter har sjöutsikt. De flesta campingtomter ligger även nära våra två serviceutrymmen.

Camping for the whole family

At Movänta Camping we have a total of 88 campsites, of which 84 are with electricity. Several of our campsites have lake views. Most campsites are also close to our two service areas where you will find everything you need.

  • Kitchen with dishes
  • Outdoor Sink
  • Outdoor Shower
  • Baby changing facilities
  • Showers and toilets
  • Handicap toilet and shower
  • Laundry and dryer
  • Latrintömning för lösa tankar
  • Gray water discharge station